A white woman has her light brown hair pulled loosely back in a low bun. She is wearing green chest waders and a black full zip long sleeve sweater. She is standing in the center of a stream smiling with her hands on her hips. In the background there

Brianna Curtis, BFSc (Hons)

MSc Student


Brianna completed an undergraduate degree in Forensic Science with a specialization in Biology at the University of Windsor in 2023 and is now working towards her MSc in Biology with the Healthy Headwaters Lab. Brianna’s work focuses on the impacts of riverine infrastructure on freshwater mussel species-at-risk and their corresponding habitats with a focus on the Grand River watershed, southwestern Ontario. Prior to beginning her MSc, Brianna conducted an honors BFSc project on habitat assessments for species-at-risk Redside Dace. This project focused on the impacts of urbanization on Redside Dace habitats within the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario to establish a baseline of habitat requirements to inform reintroductions in urban streams. Brianna has experience in benthic macroinvertebrate sampling and identification, stream health in agricultural and urban landscapes, and assisted in additional research concerning endangered species. During her time as a MSc student, Brianna will be completing an internship with Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.