FERN: Streams of the Anthropocene
Everyone at HHL loves tea, especially watershed tea! The ingredients in this tea are not your typical tea leaves, but instead a series of dissolved components of the many aquatic environments in flows through. HHL researcher Shayenna Nolan is investigating DOM as a medium for measuring stream health, and recently published her undergraduate thesis in the esteemed journal Ecological Indicators.
FERN: What’s the Story With Phragmites?
Invasive, non-native, exotic – these are all names attributed to plants and animals that have come from other places and have overwhelmed local ecosystems with their overwhelming abundance and impact on local species. Postdoctoral scholar Dr. Courtney Robichaud addressed one aspect of the relationship with Phragmites through an ecosystem-scale experiment on Phragmites removal during their PhD at the University of Waterloo.
Call for Postdoc Applicants
The Healthy Headwaters Lab and Bioline Corporation have partnered to provide a unique training and leadership opportunity for a Postdoctoral Associate focusing on carbon characterization of humic substances. The successful candidate will work jointly between the University of Windsor and Bioline to explore and characterize the properties of humic and fulvic acids used for application in agricultural settings. Check out the full position description and details on application procedure.